Y do I like Scriptaculous?
Many doubt… Y do I like Scriptaculous?
I like Scriptaculous coz… I like Ajax…
mmm now don ask me Y do I like Ajax!
Scriptaculous demonstrates the usage of Ruby on Rails with AJAX helpers, and I luv all the script.aculo.us effects, drag-and-drop, Puff, Fade & Appear, Shrink & Grow… In-place Editor… etc etc. Everything… each n everythin…
I really cant stop thanking my young Guru, who introduced me to this.
And ofcourse, without Rails concept, all these effects wouldnt have been easily learnt! Like a curry(Rails) with all the spices(Scriptaculous) in it!
Rails is good! Ruby on Rails is the Best!
Ajax is Superb! Scriptaculous is Amazing and Fantastic!
I like this but many of effects to activate in a page require some experience.
For newbies is very difficult to insert it things